Mortgage rates set to tumble as banks' borrowing rates fall to a record low - Daily Telegraph Mortgage rates set to tumble as banks' borrowing rates fall to a record low - Daily Telegraph
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mortgage rates set to tumble as banks' borrowing rates fall to a record low - Daily Telegraph

Mortgage rates set to tumble as banks' borrowing rates fall to a record low - Daily Telegraph

Mark Harris, chief executive of mortgage broker SPF Private Clients, said: "With Swaps falling to their lowest levels ever, we have to expect to see cheaper fixed rates. Two and three-year Swaps are below 1 per cent and five-year Swaps are approaching 1pc so watch this space when it comes to cheaper pricing on short-term fixed-rate mortgages.

"Lenders are expecting a quiet July and August, particularly once the Olympics start, so those who want to boost business beforehand will need to offer some decent rates to entice borrowers. Abbey has made some minor improvements to its offering this week [launching a five-year fix at 3.99% for homebuyers and one at 4.09pc for remortgaging on Monday at 60pc LTV with £995 fees], while others such as Northern Rock are trying to drum up some business before the traditional summer lull.

'We are also seeing smaller lenders with limited tranches of money dip in and out of the market with some attractive rates, such as Nottingham BS which has launched a five-year fix at 3.69pc. But deals this good really won't be around for long so borrowers will need to move quickly if they wish to secure such a rate."

Shopping to support traditional or gay marriage - Examiner

As part of the Bible belt, many in the Atlanta area hold to traditional family values.  Although Atlanta was one of only eight states with growth in the family unit that consists of husband, wife, and children, the amount of growth in families is waning.  Some 45 % of the local growth shows fathers with children and no wife, 35% women with children and no husband, and people living alone, another 35%. 
Atlanta offers immense shopping opportunities, with many retailers that cater to and have experienced great success by the shopping patterns of the traditional family.  So why have so many turned against the traditional family unit in favor of the same sex marriage agenda?  Some companies have begun to take a stand in either traditional marriage values or same sex marriage, while others do remain neutral in the culture war. 
The Bible tells us, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.  And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”  Genesis 1:28 (KJV)
Some have argued that the Bible is silent on the issue of same sex marriage or the gay lifestyle, but it is really clear in both the New Testament and the Old.  “Don't you know that evil people will not receive God's kingdom? Don't be fooled. Those who commit sexual sins will not receive the kingdom. Neither will those who worship statues of gods or commit adultery. Neither will men who are prostitutes or who commit homosexual acts.”  I Corinthians 6:9 (NIRE)
Companies that support traditional family values include, but are not limited to: Pep Boys, Exxon, Wal-Mart, Lowes, Toys R Us.  
Companies that stand in support of the gay agenda include such companies as:  Macy’s JC Penney, General Mills, AARP, Frito Lay, MasterCard, All-State, Marriott, Waste Management, Yahoo, UPS, Target, Ford, GM, Best Buy.
For a more complete list, please click the following link:
One Million moms is a watchdog for companies to remain neutral in the culture war.  While some change their stand with the receipt petitions, some are determined to remain actively activist in their support of gay marriage

TEXT-Fitch:Nordic banks not threatened by high wholesale funding - Reuters UK

Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:34pm BST

(The following statement was released by the rating agency)

June 20 - The reliance on wholesale funding by large Nordic banks is not a major threat to their credit quality, says Fitch Ratings. Instead, it reflects a structural shortage of deposits driven by households' preferences for pension and investment products in Scandinavia, and to a lesser extent in Finland.

Too great a reliance on wholesale funding has contributed to bank failures across the globe during the current crisis. But we believe it would be incorrect to view Nordic wholesale funding in the same light.

The major Nordic banks fund roughly half their assets with customer deposits and half through the domestic and international interbank and debt capital markets. These banks benefit from the recycling of retail savings which are driven by tax incentives and a culture of financial investment to domestic pension funds and insurance companies. These institutional investors, as well as domestic financial institutions, need to invest in local currency assets to match their liabilities. The relatively low level of government bonds in Scandinavia leaves bank paper as one of a few investment options.

Nordic banks are reliant on international investors to varying degrees. Market sentiment towards Nordic banks remains generally positive, underpinned by the high liquidity buffers needed to maintain investor confidence.

We see deep and efficient covered-bond markets in Sweden and Denmark as further reducing funding risk. Danish mortgage bonds, in particular, have a very long history and no default. In Norway, the covered bond product is relatively recent but has taken off well. Issuance of covered bonds in Finland has remained modest.

High levels of covered-bond issuance have been accompanied by greater attention to encumbrance. We asked over 250 credit market participants at recent seminars in the Nordic region to express their views on the level at which the encumbrance of banks' balance sheet becomes a concern. Opinion on this controversial issue varied widely: 29% believe encumbrance is largely irrelevant; 30% are concerned at 10%-30% encumbrance; 24% are concerned at 30%-50%, and 17% at over 50%. We think that at current levels, senior unsecured debt ratings for the major Nordic banks are not negatively affected by structural subordination.

The outlook for Nordic banks was one of the topics discussed on Fitch Ratings' Viking tour. A multimedia summary of the tour can be found on

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Zombie Shopping Mall review: Digital Spy takes on the undead - Digital Spy

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