Children lie covered with white sheets stained in red paint, mimicking blood during a news conference at the Lebanese press syndicate in Beirut, June 7, 2012. The conference was organised by the "children of peace" committee to protest the killing of Syrian children in Syria. Activists said pro-government militia men and security forces killed at least 78 people, including children, in Syria's central province of Hama on Wednesday. REUTERS/Sharif Karim   (LEBANON - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)

Grim scene: Children lie covered in white sheets stained with red paint, mimicking blood, during a protest by peace campaigners in Beirut. Photo: Reuters

A survivor tells of 'family after family' being murdered by Assad loyalists. Ruth Sherlock reports from Beirut.

A survivor tells of 'family after family' being murdered by Assad loyalists. Ruth Sherlock reports from Beirut.

THE voice of Laith al-Hemary's brother whispered on the mobile phone: ''There are shouts and screams coming from outside. They are killing everyone they find.''

Then the line went dead. This was the last time Mr Hemary, 30, spoke to his brother before he was killed inside the family home in the Syrian hamlet of al-Qubayr on Wednesday.

He was among 78 victims believed to have died in a frenzied onslaught in the village, about 24 kilometres from the city of Hama. The full horror of the atrocity was disclosed in videos of mutilated children's bodies and charred corpses.

In a few hours, almost the entire population of al-Qubayr was massacred in what appears to have been one of the bloodiest incidents since the start of the Syrian uprising. Forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad were responsible, said opposition activists.

They said regular forces were working in tandem with a pro-government militia, known as shabiha, recruited largely from Mr Assad's minority Alawite sect.

The regime's troops began the attack with a heavy artillery barrage, said the activists. Then shabiha militiamen entered the hamlet armed with sticks, guns and knives.

They attacked homes and farmhouses, shooting and slaughtering all the inhabitants they could find.

Mr Hemary and his cousin were among only a handful of survivors.

''I could see thick smoke rising from Qubayr,'' he said. ''I called my brother constantly on the mobile. He was hiding in our home. He told me cars full of shabiha had come to the village and were attacking everyone and burning houses.''

At 5.10pm local time, three hours after the attack began, Mr Hemary's brother's voice died away and he stopped answering his calls.

Pushing open the door of his home several hours later, Mr Hemary found the bloodied bodies of his mother, three sisters and three brothers on the ground.

''They had been beaten on the head by sticks and stabbed with knives,'' he said. ''I went to other homes. I saw family after family slaughtered by knives.''

Another witness, Abu Hisham al-Hamawi, whose home is on the outskirts of al-Qubayr, said that minutes before the attack he witnessed shabiha militiamen from nearby Alawite villages pass by his home on their way to al-Qubayr.

''I knew some of them from school,'' he said. ''I know their names. I know their villages. I know exactly who they are. They are shabiha, no doubt.''

He said al-Qubayr had not been a politically active area during the 16-month Syrian uprising, nor had it been a stronghold of the Free Syrian Army, which continues to battle Syrian loyalist forces.

''This is a farming community,'' he said. ''They are very poor people, a lot of them are shepherds. There are only a few families in the village and all of them are now dead.''

Al-Qubayr is near four Alawite villages, placing it in the demographically sensitive heart of Syria's uprising. ''But we have never had a problem with them before now,'' said Mr Hamawi.

''We have not even had a relationship, or any tensions.''

A former soldier who joined the rebel Free Syrian Army said he reached the village within hours of the massacre but left quickly because government troops were still in the area. ''I went into houses and saw children without a head and others without arms,'' he said.

The number of victims could not be confirmed but people from the nearby village of Maarzaf said they had buried 57 corpses. A further 30 bodies were missing and had not yet been buried, said activists.

With almost no foreign reporters in Syria, the accounts cannot be independently verified.