Manager jailed, fined for helping firm evade GST payments
By Claire Huang | Posted: 04 July 2012 1524 hrs
SINGAPORE: The manager of a wholesale trading firm has been sentenced to one week's jail and ordered to pay a penalty of close to S$79,000 for helping his firm make false entries in its Goods and Services Tax returns.
Joseph Tan Seng Beng, 39, overstated the input tax in the GST returns of AFGB Pte Ltd.
These were for the periods ending 31 May 2009 and 30 September 2009.
His act helped the firm fraudulently claim more than S$26,000 in GST refunds.
Tan pleaded guilty to two charges.
He was sentenced to one week's jail on each charge. The sentences are to run concurrently.
Tan was also ordered to pay a penalty of about S$79,000, which is three times the amount of tax undercharged.
He could have been jailed up to seven years, on top of the penalty.
- CNA/wm
When you have mapped the world, where do you go next? Google and Bing allow you to navigate within shopping centres and train stations - Daily Mail
- Google Maps offers rotating 3D views of 40 indoor venues around London
- Bing Maps provides maps for nearly all shopping centres within the UK
By Eddie Wrenn
Google Maps goes inside: Kings Cross Station gets the indoors treatment
With internet maps evolving so much in the last few years - and now becoming photo-realistic 3D - there seems little fresh territory left to explore, so Google has been doing some internalising.
The search engine has been plotting the insides of public venues across the UK, allowing Android smartphone users the ability to navigate around areas such as Kings Cross Station or the Selfridges shopping department in London.
The locations are currently very London-centric, although the search engine plans to roll out more venues across the UK shortly.
Microsoft's search competitor Bing has also begun mapping the inside world, with Bing Maps allowing you to explore nearly all major shopping centres across the UK.
Google spokesman Razia Ahamed said: 'Given the current British weather, we seem to be spending a lot more of the summer than we’d hoped indoors.
'The thing about being indoors is that people often get lost - I’m not talking about in your own home, of course, but when you’re out and about, in train stations, museums, department stores and shopping centres.
'We’re happy to announce that today Google is launching indoor maps for Android devices in the UK.
'You’ll no longer need to feel clueless when you’re at the railway station, trying to figure out where to buy a coffee before you rush to catch your train from platform 11; nor will you feel embarrassed about asking for the lingerie section when you’re in the department store - because you’ll have all the answers in the palm of your hand.
'Just open Google Maps on your Android mobile phone, zoom in to the location you’re in and the indoor floor plan magically appears
'And for buildings where the information is available, we’ll even show you where you are on the map with a familiar blue dot if you’ve enabled the My Location feature.
'Next, search for the location you’d like to get to and we’ll provide directions to help you get there - even if you’re on a completely different floor.'
Google has released a list of their supported venues here.
Ahamed added: 'More than 40 venues in the UK have worked with us to have their indoor floor plans appear on Google, ranging from train stations to art galleries, department stores to sporting venues.
'In fact, any building owner can upload their maps for future inclusion in Google Maps.'
Kings Cross and Euston are both plotted, and a toggle ('M', 'G') lets you move between different floor levels
Visiting the O2? Maps offers the ability to browse the popular gig venue
Selfridges, all five floors of it, has been mapped out, and you can zoom and pan around the centre to find your chosen departments
Bing Maps has also been rolling out new indoor features, with 2,700 venues across the world mapped out, including North America, Europe and Asia.
The UK appears particularly well covered, with most towns having an internal map, discoverable on both Bing Maps, and the Windows Phone 7 and iPhone Apps.
A Bing spokesman said: 'Whether you live in Poland or Spain, Russia or Belgium, or pretty much anywhere in-between, you will now be able to explore your local shopping centre through Bing maps - helping you locate the stores you are looking for, find the closest services and facilities like restrooms and cash machines, and even browse their directories.
'Through Microsoft’s partnership with Nokia, Bing Maps just boosted its Venue Map coverage in the US and internationally expanding the experience to more than 2,700 Venue Maps across the world. This update is primarily focused on shopping malls across North America, Europe, and Asia.'
The maps arena is certainly heating up, with Apple preparing to ditch Google Maps on iProducts in favour of an in-house version, and Amazon also getting in to the maps game with this week's purchase of mapping start-up UpNext.
Bing Maps has also introduced a similar feature, with most UK shopping centres mapped out, such as the town of Wellingborough, in Northamptonshire
Westfield Stratford stabbing: Two murder suspects arrested - BBC News
Two men have been arrested on suspicion of the murder of a 24-year-old man who was stabbed at Westfield shopping centre in east London.
Liam Woodards, of Stratford, died after a fight at the shopping centre on Friday afternoon.
The two men, aged 20 and 19, were previously arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of violent disorder.
Nine people have been charged with violent disorder in connection with the death.
Michael Alvaranga, 23 of Leytonstone, and Javin Righbie, 22, of Stratford, appeared at Barkingside Magistrates' Court and were remanded in custody until 9 July.
Michael Ndefo, 21, and Rhys Regisford, 20, both from Plaistow; Jason Vaughan, 24, and Danny Caton, 23, from Stratford; and Jerome McLeish, 20, of Victoria Docks; were remanded in custody by Thames magistrates until 9 July.
Tony Caton, 21, of Stratford, and Emmanuel Oloyede, 19, of Plaistow, were released on bail until 30 July.
A 23-year-old man arrested on Friday was later cautioned for affray and released with no further action while a 20-year-old man, also arrested in connection with the investigation, has been bailed to return to an east London police station on a date in July pending further inquiries.
Detectives have called for witnesses to come forward.
Pipe dream shopping centre poses a threat - This is Gloucestershire
OPPONENTS of pipe dream proposals for an out-of-town shopping centre on green fields in Eastington say it could "rip the heart out of Stroud" if it ever became a reality.
Developers have indicated they want to develop a site next to Junction 13 of the M5 for retail and leisure use.
The field at Chipman's Platt between the Shell garage and M5.
The approach to Junction 13.
Stroud district councillor David Drew (Lab, Farmhill & Paganhill) has spoken out against the idea.
"I understand Junction 13 is being suggested for a major retail park which would rip the heart out of Stroud," he told town councillors.
"We have to be on our guard that this doesn't happen. It's speculative at the moment but because the planning process is in disarray we have to be aware that developers will try it on."
He added: "There's every planning reason why it shouldn't happen but we know it doesn't necessarily turn out that way."
Coun Drew has already spoken out against proposals to build 1,500 homes in Nupend – nicknamed the Westington scheme – and warned that developers may try to build a shopping centre as part of any housing development.
An out-of-town shopping centre would also affect Gloucester, he suggested.
Peter Gilbert from Stroud District Council's planning team confirmed the authority had been approached by a developer, on behalf of the landowner, concerning a site adjacent to the A419 between Junction 13 of the M5 and Chipman's Platt roundabout.
"They suggested that the land was suitable for further industrial use, a degree of retail, perhaps a sort of outlet centre, and leisure-related activities," he said.
Mr Gilbert stressed the submission by an agent on behalf of development firm St Modwen was one of 2,000 comments received by the council during its consultation on its draft Core Strategy.
"The council has not considered it in any way and it is certainly not something that we are planning or suggesting," he said.
The site is just nine miles from Gloucester and 23 miles from Cribbs Causeway shopping centre near Bristol.
Carole Garfield, chairman of Stroud Chamber and Commerce and Trade, voiced concern.
"We would like more resources put into supporting the town centre rather than developing any out-of-town retail," she said.
The perks of being famous: Little Mix go sale shopping together and splash out on more clothes - Daily Mail
Every time they're photographed they're wearing a different outfit, yet Little Mix still don't feel they have enough clothes.
The girl group were spotted hitting the sales today as they took a trip to Oxygen Boutique in London and left holding several bags.
Jesy Nelson, Perrie Edwards, Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Jade Thirlwall appeared to have had a successful shopping trip together as they carried their new purchases.
The perks of being famous: Little Mix look excited as they leave KISS radio station to head off on a shopping trip
Happy ladies: Jade and Leigh-Anne look pleased with their purchases following a trip to London's Oxygen Boutique
The foursome spent plenty of time perusing the rails inside the shop - which appeared to be selling one-off items of clothing.
Jesy, 20, looked rather serious as she inspected the garments and certainly hasn't dressed as if it was the middle of summer.
Instead, the Essex-born star teamed a red, white and black beanie hat with a camouflage army shirt, a denim jacket and Boy London leggings - which is a brand favoured by Rihanna.
Just looking: Jesy browses the rails of clothes while Jade admires some jewellery
Shopaholic: Perrie admired some floral wedged boots as well as the clothes
Jesy completed her look with a pair of black patent lace-up boots and several pieces of costume jewellery.
The rest of the girls also stood out as they wandered around the store looking for new outfits.
Perrie chose to wear navy blue shiny leggings with white socks, Mary Jane shoes and a sleeveless denim jacket.
The blonde star was spotted admiring a pair of towering floral wedges as she was followed around the shop by the group's assistant.
Decisions, decisions: The girl group discussed their possible purchases as Perrie tried on a pair of shoes
Leigh-Anne decided to bare her midriff despite the rainy weather and chose to wear a pair of bright green jeans with a black crop top.
She completed her look with a pair of chunky boots, and various rings and bracelets and had a huge smile on her face as she carried her shopping bags.
A helping hand: Perrie and Jesy stayed close to a female assistant who had accompanied them on their shopping trip
Last but not least, Jade covered up in a pair of stonewashed skinny jeans, a baggy floral top and a purple hoody with bright blue trainers.
It's no wonder the girls were in a happy mood following their shopping trip as they've received fantastic feedback from their fans ever since they debuted their new single Wings at T4 on the Beach last weekend.
Positive feedback: The group tweeted a photo of themselves at T4 on the Beach after they'd performed their new single Wings
@colonel George Taylor - Bing maps have done 10 airports to date.
- Henry, Brighton, 04/7/2012 15:30
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