MP Norman Baker calls for double yellow line review in Newhaven town centre - Lewes Today MP Norman Baker calls for double yellow line review in Newhaven town centre - Lewes Today
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Saturday, July 7, 2012

MP Norman Baker calls for double yellow line review in Newhaven town centre - Lewes Today

MP Norman Baker calls for double yellow line review in Newhaven town centre - Lewes Today

Mr Baker made his plea to East Sussex County Council after noticing a number of double yellow lines, some of which he believes can be removed entirely, while others could be removed on one side of the road.

John Robbins, county council project manager, said a review of parking in coastal towns was being planned but, generally, double yellow lines were only installed where necessary.

Mr Baker pointed out it was surprising how many Newhaven town centre streets had double yellow lines.

He said: “Of course, some of the double yellow lines are very important to ensure the smooth flow of traffic, but I could not help but notice that there are others that simply do not really need to be there.

“In these tough economic times, Newhaven’s small businesses deserve all the help that they can get. I believe that East Sussex County Council must undertake this review and remove unnecessary double yellow lines to ensure that all potential parking spaces can be utilised.”

But Mr Robbins said: “Double yellow lines are placed for reasons of safety, to protect access to property, or to ensure that emergency vehicles, refuse vehicles and others can get through and avoid traffic congestion.

“The current parking review, although focused principally on Lewes town, has addressed some known issues elsewhere, including in Newhaven. As a result of this, the draft Traffic Regulation Orders that were recently advertised did include a proposal to remove double yellow lines on most of one side of Meeching Road in Newhaven town centre and this will create a significant number of valuable additional parking places. If approved, these changes would come into effect towards the end of this year.

“We are planning to undertake a more comprehensive review of parking in the coastal towns and if there are more locations where people consider that double yellow lines are no longer appropriate, we will be happy to consider removing them.”

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